
[文件] sql問題

轉貼分享 — 作者 segaa @ 05:54
List the maker and model number of all planes that can be flown by a pilot in the database, along with the salary range (maximum and minimum salaries) of  the pilots who can fly that plane.

 List all departure dates and numbers, along with the total crew (ass
employee) salary cost divided by the number of booked passengers, in
decreasing cost order. If there are no passengers booked on a depart
no employees assigned ignore that departure.

Find the names of all pilots who are assigned to a departure using a
the pilot is not known to be able to fly.
找出所有被指派到該班次的駕駛員  但不會行駛此飛機的

memo: 沒幫忙解出來後續 懶懶的
要先從Assigned_To 裡面去抓職員分配到那個日期的那各班次
然後在判斷 那個職員能不能飛那台班機


« [freebsd] lftp安裝與應用 | Main | [dreamhost] 整理一下 »

[freebsd] lftp安裝與應用

Freebsd — 作者 segaa @ 00:34

雖然之前都使用  rsync ,但是若是其中一方的站台並非自己可以主控,
就需要透過ftp 來作資料備份了,原本是想利用 ncftp 的 mput  / mget -R * 來實做
今天聽whatup 提到 lftp 可以透過指令直接 mirror 兩個站台間的資料,所以就來參考看看吧
1.安裝 lftp
cd /usr/ports/ftp/lftp
make install FORCE_PKG_REGISTER="yes" clean ; rehash
2應用請參照 whatup教學


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