[超幹] hostmonster suck
之前仔細挑選了一個 hostmonster 以為還不錯 ... 還一次買兩年
誰知道試用期一過就是惡夢的到來了 ____________ /
一天到晚噴 cpu 超過限制的訊息 ....
Please contact this site's webmaster.
Wait a few minutes and use your browser's "Back" button or click here to try again.
If you are the webmaster, your account may have exceeded for one or more of the following reasons:
- Your site has used more than 20% of the cpu.
- Your account has too many processes running at the same time.
- Your site was consuming too many resources. This happens on occassion to very busy sites that have inefficient scripts running.
今天寫信問monsterhost CPU Quota的相關問題
CPU Quota errors are triggered if you use more than 20% of the cpu on your serve
r. They are set up like this to avoid server lockups, if too many people are lo
gging on to the same server at once. You will need to optimize your code to avo
d these errors.
It means your account is taking up too many server resources at once. I'd sugges
t optimizing your scripts/databases to put a lighter load on the server and cut
out the unnecessary processes running if any. The policy is the limit on cpu usa
e is 20 processes at any given time and the cpu quota on scripts is 40 seconds o
f cpu time. Also if a script is taking up more than 20% of the server resources
at one time it will give you that error. It's also possible that a script on you
account is not terminating properly.
To see a list of currently running processes for your account, click on the proc
ess manager in your control panel, at the bottom of the error log page.
If you wish to investigate the cause of this further there are some logs within
your site files that may provide some further information. You can locate these
log files by logging into your cPanel, then enter your File Manager. When in t
e File Manager, open the folder labeled 'tmp'. Inside this folder there are 2 f
olders that may have information pertaining to this issue, the /cpu_exceeded_log
s and /mysql_slow_queries. If you open either of these folders, select the file
you wish to view, and choose Show File from the options on the right, they will
contain information to show what may have been causing the excessive server cpu
Matt M.
Hostmonster.com Customer Support
看了這封回信還真是一整各幹 .... . 原因是近去查詢才知道
[The policy is the limit on cpu usage is 20 processes at any given
time and the cpu quota on scripts is 40 seconds of cpu time. Also
if a script is taking up more than 20% of the server resources at
one time it will give you that error. It's also possible that a
script on your account is not terminating properly. ]
20 個單位在一定時間內吃掉 40 秒的 cpu 時間
就會莫名奇妙被停權 1 分鐘 ..... 基本上測試下來
幾乎每十幾分鐘會被停權 1分鐘 ... 還真是超幹阿 ___________ /
限制又多 ..... 真是夠爛 .. suck suck .... fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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